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Endometriosis Diagnostic Toolkit

In February 2022 we launched our first toolkit in collaboration with brand BeYou to create a resource where we collectively gathered all of the accurate information on Endometriosis from symptoms, to helping those to get a diagnosis, how to access the right medical advice & support. Within the toolkit we also designed a pain diary which allows people to track their symptoms too.


With both of our founders and majority of our trustee board suffering with Endometriosis we felt starting our toolkit series with Endometriosis seemed fitting. We have received such amazing feedback from people who have used our toolkit & had success for referrals & treatment. 



Your Menstrual Health Toolkit:
Under 18 years old

We then launched our second toolkit in February 2023.
Which was a real labor of love & lots of blood, sweat & tears! We have created a Menstrual Health Toolkit named:

Your Menstrual Health Toolkit – for under 18 year olds.


Our aim with this toolkit is to have it accessible within in educational settings as part of their curriculum. We have included within the toolkit information on menstrual health/menstrual cycles, different period products, contraception, menstrual health conditions, infections & how to identify if your period

is normal or not.

Fersiwn Cymraeg

BeYou Endometriosis Toolkit - Welsh.png
Teenage Menstrual Health Kit - Welsh.png

All toolkits are FREE to download in PDF version to keep on your phone, laptop, tablet or you can print off at home. We also do have paper copies of the toolkits, please email us: to request one.

Please send us any feedback you have about our toolkits we always strive to ensure they are the best, most up to date resources as possible! We also love to hear if people have used them and had positive help and support as a result of using them!

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